Wednesday 8 February 2012

Planning # thoughts on feed back for presentation film opening.

So we have presented are presentation last lesson and we got some positive feed back from our teachers. Me and Micheal thought we would update and announce we plan to make a few changes due to the feed back we got , we think these changes could potentially  get us full marks on filming. Tony and Marissa both said there appears to be a lot happening in that one small sequence and could be a bit to much for our viewers to take in one go.
 We are going to change the story line slightly to ensure that our viewers get the plot and can follow what is happening because 1 of are criticism was that they couldn't understand what was actually happening , therefore we will make the slightest change to make sure that our film opening is enjoyable and not frustrating for our viewers because they don't understand whats happening. However , none of changes will affect our recording time or change any of the plans that we have made as a group, and further more we will contact both  susan and joebeda to make sure there okay with the changes, and if we all agree then we will go through with it and make the changes; I'm sure they will co-operate and will support us on the changes we have thought of, we will discuss this with them on Thursdays lesson (09/02/2012).

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